(Structural Conflict - Lyrics)

If I had told you the answer

I would have been somewhere far from here

If I were a rich man

I would make more charitable donations

If you were here right now you would help us

If I was rude to you, I apologize

If it were a simple question

I would keep it short

If I were you

I would enjoy life

If I were you

I would make a difference

If I were you

I would continue making it until it's done

If I were you

I would have stepped down

If I were you

I would have answered all the questions secretly

If you don't know it now, you will never

If you hadn't lied to me before

I would have believed you

If it were true

What would be the world's greatest secret?

If it were true, why would the government cover

Any evidence of aliens or extraterrestrial life?

Redemption song

Redemption song

This song of freedom

Redemption song

This song of freedom

This song of freedom

No justice no peace

This song of freedom

No justice no peace

No justice no peace

No justice no peace

If I were you

I would make a difference

If I were you

I would enjoy life

You have a limited time to stay on Earth

You must try and use that period for the purpose of

Transforming your country into what you desire it to be

Democratic, non-racial, non-sexist country

And therefore, you must reject all the negative fixtures in your

Own soul, in your blood system and

Focus your attention on the positive things

If I were you

I would continue making it until it's done

And focus your attention on the positive things

And focus your attention on the positive things

And focus your attention on the positive things

É um tempo que vai e vem num loop sem sentido

Estás comigo, Eu estou contigo

É a certeza e a incerteza

É o medo calculado ao limite

A preção e a impreção

A fantasia ou a realidade

É aquilo que nós somos

Controlados, controladores

Filhos de um sistema escravisados por um destino

Estás comigo, Eu estou contigo

É um tempo que vai e vem num loop sem sentido

Source: LyricFind

Structural Conflict lyrics © TM Carlos Simpson

Structural Conflict


Song by Carlos Simpson

Artist: Carlos Simpson

ISRC QZHN82020277

Album: Illegal Migrant

DK UPC: 195396307120

Uploaded: June 22, 2020

Release date: June 22, 2020

Structural Conflict (Acoustic Version) · Carlos Simpson · Carlos Simpson Music Production · Carlos Simpson Design Studio


℗ Carlos Simpson Music Production

Released on: 2022-05-28