Inner Circle


Walking silent

Making noise

If the universe is basically

A play of energy

Then you can say

Energy and relationships go together

Motion is a form of relationship

Energy is a form of relationship

Screaming in silence

Everything lives by eating something else

Talking to myself

Talking to myself

We have been educated to use our minds

In a certain way

Pray to God

Talking to myself

And now here I am again

Existence is a function of the relationship

And now here I am again

The motion itself is a function of the relationship

Dreaming for tomorrow

Let me take you down of the corridors of my life

Your beauty and melancholic walk

Your optimistic words

Your silence and the way you look

Makes me wonder

Makes me wonder

If there is only one object

One small ball in the middle of an empty space

Nobody knows whether is moving

Because you can't tell if is approaching anything

Or if is going away from anything

Because there is nothing else

So, in that state of affairs, no motion exists

About the emotions and this beautiful place

About this beautiful place

We are just strangers ironically fading in circles

Searching for answers

Searching for answers

Who are you?

Probably tomorrow

We won't remember anyway

Who are you really?

If you miss me one day, please miss me slow

Really deep dawn

Who are you?

If you miss me one day, please miss me slow

If you miss me one day, please miss me slow

In other words, life, and death

Being or not being constitutes existence

All the individually delineated things and

Beings are connected underneath

If you miss me

If you miss me one day, please miss me slow


Everybody has in himself an element of the duplicity of deception

Now I'm describing a point of view

You can look at life in such a way

Were all things is a mistake

For example, there is no such a thing as genuine kindness and love

Everybody is really pretending that they are loving other people

In order, to get some advantage

You love yourself in terms of what is "other"

Because in only in terms of what is "other"

That you have a self at all

To be is to deceive

Because you see

From this point of view that I am discussing the web is a trap

A total mutual interdependency between what we call the self

And what we call the other

Here I am again

Do you see?

The world as a marvelous illusion

I'm talking to myself

Losing control again

Losing control again

Now when you go deeply into the nature of selflessness

What do you discover?

You say: I love myself, I seek my own advantage

Maybe tomorrow

We won't remember anyway


What is this self that I love?

What do I want?

If you miss me one day, please miss me slow

If you miss me one day, please miss me slow

Losing control again

With faith believing in tomorrow

If you miss me one day, please miss me slow

Every one of us is an aperture

Through this, the whole cosmos looks out

Inner Circle (meaning)

In a spiritual and philosophical context, the term "Inner Circle" often refers to a select group of individuals who are considered to be closest to a spiritual leader, teacher, or guru. These individuals are typically those who have demonstrated a high level of commitment, dedication, and understanding of the teachings or philosophy being espoused.

The "Inner Circle" is often granted access to more advanced or esoteric teachings, practices, and insights that may not be shared with the wider community. They are seen as being deeply committed to the spiritual path and are entrusted with preserving and transmitting the teachings to others.

In a broader philological context, the term "Inner Circle" can also refer to a concept in sociolinguistics. It was introduced by linguist Braj Kachru to describe native speakers of English in countries where English is the primary language, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and Australia. These individuals are part of the "‎Inner Circle" because they use English as their first language and play a central role in the development and spread of the language globally.

Whether in a spiritual or linguistic context, the term "Inner Circle" denotes a select and often influential group that holds a distinct position within a larger framework.


Inner Circle ISRC: TCAHH2326943